Plus jamais ça!
Plus jamais ça! Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 09/12/2024

Demain mardi, le monde célèbre la journée internationale des droits de l’homme. Quelques jours auparavant, le Parlement marocain a abrité un symposium... + Lire la suite...

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Weddings are still all the rage, but...

Par Faiçal FAQUIHI | Edition N°:6589 Le 01/09/2023 | Partager

Summer is still here. The peak season for wedding celebrations. According to the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, there were 1.17 million marriages between 2017 and 2021, compared with around 600,000 divorces, enough to mitigate some of the criticism of the “flaws” of the 2004 Family Code, but not only that.

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