Casting Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 17/05/2024

La classe politique a les yeux rivés sur Aziz Akhannouch, en déplacement à Manama, au Bahreïn pour représenter SM le Roi au sommet de la Ligue arabe. Elle s’impatiente au... + Lire la suite...

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Morocco keeps on believing in the oil dream

Par Khadija SKALLI | Edition N°:6584 Le 25/08/2023 | Partager

With optimism and determination, Morocco is pursuing its oil exploration projects in the various regions. Relentlessly, the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mining ( ONHYM ) carries out, by its own means, numerous geological, geophysical, geochemical, and petroleum assessment studies in the various onshore basins and on the segments of the Atlantic and Mediterranean offshore areas.

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