Lecture Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 16/05/2024

Le Salon du livre, qui se tient en ce moment à Rabat, nous rappelle à notre bon souvenir la magie de la lecture et des livres. Ceux qui «s’ouvrent comme des boîtes de... + Lire la suite...

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Hydrocarbons: The Competition Council points out to the failures of the system

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6359 Le 30/09/2022 | Partager

Long-awaited, the opinion of the Competition Council on the soaring prices of inputs and raw materials at the world level and its consequences on the operations functioning of national markets, provides a series of explanations concerning the level of fuel prices within gas stations. This document, produced following the decision of the Council of April 25, 2022 by which the Council acted on its own initiative concerning this case...

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