Injustices Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 02/05/2024

Ne gâchons pas la fête, surtout celle du travail. Ce 1er Mai n’a jamais été aussi sympathique; les leaders syndicaux n’ont pas eu à hurler dans les hauts-parleurs... + Lire la suite...

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Public markets Four ways to pass on price increases

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6344 Le 09/09/2022 | Partager

Since the surge in the prices of building materials and other inputs such as energy, the revision of the financial conditions of public contracts has become a leitmotiv among construction operators. The latter have still not found, together with their line ministry, an effective formula for passing on the increases. The problem is more acute for entities that had won public contracts before the outbreak of the health crisis, relating to the construction of large-scale infrastructure still under construction..

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