Calvaire Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 15/05/2024

La situation des personnes à besoins spécifiques au Maroc est tellement difficile que chaque geste à leur endroit compte..., même l’annonce d’une carte spéciale handicap,... + Lire la suite...

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HE Water stress: How Casablanca manages scarcity

Par Aziza EL AFFAS | Edition N°:6232 Le 01/04/2022 | Partager

It is a fact that the water situation is critical across several watersheds in the Kingdom. Meeting the needs of a large city like Casablanca has become a major challenge. Indeed, the city consumes on average the equivalent of 500,000 cubic meters to 730,000 m3 per day. In 2021, the Lydec utility distributed more than 219 million m3 of drinking water...

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