Casting Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 17/05/2024

La classe politique a les yeux rivés sur Aziz Akhannouch, en déplacement à Manama, au Bahreïn pour représenter SM le Roi au sommet de la Ligue arabe. Elle s’impatiente au... + Lire la suite...

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A museum for the Jewish memory of the North

Par Ali ABJIOU | Edition N°:6334 Le 26/08/2022 | Partager

TANGIERS finally has a space to remember its Jewish history. The Assayag Synagogue, one of the oldest in this city, has been restored, and a museum space was inaugurated there last week. The project was led by the Agency for the Promotion and Development of the North (APDN), the wilaya of Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceïma, and the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication. The cost of the works has reached 2 million Dirhams (about 200.000 USD) financed by the Ministry of Culture...

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