Cher ami
Cher ami Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 26/04/2024

Des millions de Marocains vous attendent avec impatience. Rarement nous les voyons s’enthousiasmer autant de la venue de quelqu’un. Ils se préparent à vous rencontrer, en... + Lire la suite...

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Redesign? The political class in turmoil

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6329 Le 19/08/2022 | Partager

SINCE the publication in the ‘‘Jeune Afrique’’ magazine of information relating to a cabinet reshuffle which is being prepared in Morocco, there has been effervescence among the staff of the political parties. However, this Parisian weekly magazine, turned monthly under the effect of the Covid pandemic, published this news in the conditional, in its “Confidential” section. Over time, this question of the potential cabinet reshuffle is the favorite subject of public opinion, which is awaiting a change in the casting of the government team, some of whose ministers have shown their limits...

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