Sentiers Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 11/02/2025

Personne n’y croyait il y a 25 ans. Et pourtant. Avec un chiffre d’affaires de 27 milliards de DH à l’export (+17% par rapport à 2023), un classement au top 5 mondial... + Lire la suite...

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Street Scammers: A User’s Guide

Par Ahlam NAZIH | Edition N°:6552 Le 07/07/2023 | Partager

They fall on you when you least expect them. Like an injunction, they force you to listen to them. They are the street hustlers. Sometimes their speech is well rounded, sometimes their lies are blindingly obvious, but despite the doubts you may have, you are often forced to believe them, because swindlers simply do not give you time to think.

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