Jouteya Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 13/12/2024

C’est l’un des marchés les plus célèbres de Casablanca, avec une réputation au niveau national et international. Derb Ghallef, la jouteya pour les intimes, abrite depuis... + Lire la suite...

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Samir Refinery: The conditions for recovery

Par Faiçal FAQUIHI | Edition N°:6451 Le 10/02/2023 | Partager

Based in the city of Mohammedia, the Samir refinery has been placed in compulsory liquidation with continuity of operations since March 2016. The company and the 540 employees who have remained in office to date have been waiting for almost seven years for a favorable outcome of the procedure. After the 2017 attempt, a second one was initiated at the Casablanca Commercial Court to sell the only refinery in the Kingdom of Morocco.

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