Parcours du combattant
Parcours du combattant Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 14/05/2024

«Il y a de gros investissements dans le pipe». Le gouvernement est confiant pour le maintien de la dynamique positive des investissements... + Lire la suite...

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Archeology: Discoveries in the Oriental region of Morocco demystify the Sahara

Par Ali KHARROUBI | Edition N°:6431 Le 13/01/2023 | Partager

Archaeological and geological discoveries are multiplying in the Moroccan Oriental region. Teacher-researchers from the Mohammed The First University of Oujda (UMPO), those from the National Institute of Archeology and Heritage Sciences, the Natural History Museum of London, or even other international universities, have not yet unveiled all the secrets of this region. Discoveries do multiply and change, each time, the old historical dates...

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