Lecture Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 16/05/2024

Le Salon du livre, qui se tient en ce moment à Rabat, nous rappelle à notre bon souvenir la magie de la lecture et des livres. Ceux qui «s’ouvrent comme des boîtes de... + Lire la suite...

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Draft Budget Bill: Major reform of corporate tax begins

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6373 Le 21/10/2022 | Partager

A big step will be taken this year in terms of implementing the goals of the framework law on tax reform. The Government has chosen to initiate a comprehensive corporate tax reform and to introduce changes in the income tax while continuing to lower the minimum contribution rates. In the case of the corporate tax in particular, the changes will be made gradually over a four-year period...

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