Injustices Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 02/05/2024

Ne gâchons pas la fête, surtout celle du travail. Ce 1er Mai n’a jamais été aussi sympathique; les leaders syndicaux n’ont pas eu à hurler dans les hauts-parleurs... + Lire la suite...

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Back-to-school hot issues

Par Ahlam NAZIH | Edition N°:6334 Le 26/08/2022 | Partager

In a context marked by uncertainties, the start of the new school year promises to be very tense. The issue of water will be the big unknown. It must be the primary concern of the Government, but also of farmers and citizens, especially since, if it does not rain in September, the future will be somewhat compromised. It is sowing time and without water in the dams, no one will want to predict the future...

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