Cher ami
Cher ami Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 26/04/2024

Des millions de Marocains vous attendent avec impatience. Rarement nous les voyons s’enthousiasmer autant de la venue de quelqu’un. Ils se préparent à vous rencontrer, en... + Lire la suite...

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Government officials: Legal proceedings soon possible to be started?

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6212 Le 04/03/2022 | Partager

THOSE who questioned the impartiality of the judiciary will have to think twice. If the bill on criminal procedure is adopted, it will result in the end of the judicial exception. Until now, State officials have not been afraid of being questioned by the courts while in office. Even if the old text contained provisions in this sense, no modality of application was foreseen. Who would dare to initiate an investigation against a minister, a head of government...?

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