Bonne gouvernance
Bonne gouvernance Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 03/06/2024

Le Conseil des ministres, tenu samedi dernier à Casablanca, a mis en valeur les fondamentaux de la bonne gouvernance. D’abord par l’approbation des... + Lire la suite...

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Earthquake / Building reconstruction: 22 days for technical assessments

Par Badra BERRISSOULE | Edition N°:6604 Le 22/09/2023 | Partager

Before construction can begin, the damage must be carefully assessed. Several departments are involved through the Interministerial Commission in charge of rolling out an emergency program to rehabilitate and help rebuild destroyed housing in disaster zones as quickly as possible. Two ministries, namely the Interior ministry and the Ministry of Town and Country Planning, are on the front line.

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