Reprise en main
Reprise en main Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 29/04/2024

L’Istiqlal est en mauvaise passe. Même si Nizar Baraka a été réélu à l’unanimité à la tête du parti, les congressistes ne sont pas prêts d’oublier les... + Lire la suite...

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Public procurements: Details of the reform

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6252 Le 29/04/2022 | Partager

This is a first: before adopting a draft decree within the cabinet (the Government Council), a minister presents its content to the M.P.s members of the Finance Committees of the two Chambers of Par-liament. The Ministry of Economy and Finance did so on Wednesday April 27 with the reform of the public procurement decree. Usually, the Government, jealous of its prerogatives, works in its own corner without giving the slightest importance to the opinion of the legislative power...

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