Cher ami
Cher ami Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 26/04/2024

Des millions de Marocains vous attendent avec impatience. Rarement nous les voyons s’enthousiasmer autant de la venue de quelqu’un. Ils se préparent à vous rencontrer, en... + Lire la suite...

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CNSS mobilized for the generalization of social security

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6285 Le 17/06/2022 | Partager

The CNSS, the Social Secu­rity Agency, is mobilized for the success of the project to generalize social protection. The guest of the “Club de L’Economiste”, Has­san Boubrik, Director General of this organization, focused on the various projects underway to promote efficient implementation of the generalization of health insurance. Especially since the framework law has set a precise timetable...

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