Plus jamais ça!
Plus jamais ça! Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 09/12/2024

Demain mardi, le monde célèbre la journée internationale des droits de l’homme. Quelques jours auparavant, le Parlement marocain a abrité un symposium... + Lire la suite...

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Textiles and leather Underperformance, but also potential for growth

Par Radia LAHLOU | Edition N°:6730 Le 22/03/2024 | Partager

The latest report from the Foreign Exchange Office on the textile industry 2024, analyzing the last two decades (2002/2022), continues to reveal its secrets. This methodical and meticulous investigation certainly supports the crucial role of the textile and apparel sector, but also shows that its recent trajectory is stumbling against persistent challenges.

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