Plus jamais ça!
Plus jamais ça! Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 09/12/2024

Demain mardi, le monde célèbre la journée internationale des droits de l’homme. Quelques jours auparavant, le Parlement marocain a abrité un symposium... + Lire la suite...

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The Gnawa epic, from the backstreets of the medina to the world’s biggest stages

Par Amine BOUSHABA | Edition N°:6730 Le 22/03/2024 | Partager

Twenty-five years ago, a group of enthusiasts led by Neila Tazi fomented an au­dacious cultural project that would turn the sleepy, old-fashioned town of Essaouira into one of the most important musical destinations on the continent, if not the world

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