Vérité Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 03/05/2024

Vous avez beau cacher la vérité, la maquiller, la retourner dans tous les sens, elle finit par ressurgir pour vous cracher à la figure et vous mettre devant vos responsabilités... + Lire la suite...

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Agricultural crisis in France: Moroccan trucks ransacked and burned

Par Khadija SKALLI | Edition N°:6695 Le 02/02/2024 | Partager

Is it a return of the «medieval peasant- type revolts» in France? For several days now, farmers have been demonstrating their frustration. Armed with their tractors, they have blocked several major roads around Paris and other major cities. In the city of Montélimar, in the department of Drôme, in the south-east of the country, farmers’ discontent is escalating.

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