PowerPoint Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 13/05/2024

Des chiffres et des lettres. C’est une vieille émission de TV française, et une formule que M. Akhannouch a introduite au Parlement. Il devait présenter «un bilan... + Lire la suite...

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Public procurements: No more paper filing!

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6431 Le 13/01/2023 | Partager

The Ministry of Finance is moving towards all-out digitalization in the field of public procurements. Submissions via the filing of large files will be something of a distant past. A deadline has already been set: August 2023. Public procurements will be fully digitized from the launch of the call for tenders to the awarding of contracts, including the deposit of financial guarantees and this, within the framework of Ministerial Order No...

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