Impostures Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 20/09/2024

Auréolé d’une image de «sainteté», adulé, on lui aurait donné le bon Dieu sans confession. L’abbé Pierre, icône emblématique de la lutte contre l’exclusion en France et... + Lire la suite...

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Sahara: Laying cards on the table

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6334 Le 26/08/2022 | Partager

Morocco no longer accepts ambiguous positions. This is one of the main messages of the royal address, delivered on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the people. After the great breakthroughs achieved at the regional and international levels, favorable to the just and legitimate position of the Kingdom, Rabat requires its partners, traditional or new, to lay their cards on the table...

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