Matheux Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 12/12/2024

Comment les élèves marocains peuvent-ils se classer parmi les derniers en mathématiques? Beaucoup ont reçu un véritable choc, en découvrant les récents résultats de l’enquête... + Lire la suite...

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Inflation: Full speed

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6270 Le 27/05/2022 | Partager

AS a challenge for economic policies, inflation continues its inexorable rise. It jumped 5.9% during the month of April, ac­cording to the High Commission for Planning (HCP). Core inflation, which excludes products at volatile prices and products at public prices, rose by 4.4% compared to April 2021. The consu­mer price index (CPI) also increased by 4.5% at the end of the first four months of the year and by 1.8% com­pared to March...

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