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P. 4


 Weekly highlights  Weekly highlights

          The Ministry of Interior tracks down

          violations of urban planning

           n The head governors  of Rabat and
           Tangiers point out the responsibility
           of architects

           n The buildings in an irregular situation

           are deprived of the occupancy permit

           n An essential document for the splitting

           of land titles

           T       action concerning urban planning vio-
                   HE Ministry of Interior wants to take

                   lations. At least two initiatives confirm
                   this. First, there is the letter sent to eve-
           ryone’s surprise by Mohamed Yaacoubi, wali
           (head governor) of the region of Rabat-Salé-Ke-
           nitra directly to the Minister of Urban Planning
           and Housing instead of going through the hie-
           rarchy. In his letter, the wali said that the local
           commission in charge of monitoring projects
           has visited 91 real estate projects in the region
           having obtained the certificate of compliance
           for the year 2021. It turns out that 70% of these
           projects have received the certificate of comple-
           tion signed by architects, attesting to their com-
           pliance with the authorized documents, including
           construction plans, while the situation is quite
           different. The letter also states that the increa-
           sing number of certificates of compliance issued
           by architects for projects in an irregular situa-
           tion with respect to the authorized plans endan-
           gers the safety of citizens and affects the urban
           aesthetics. The regional chapter of the Architects'
           Association has been asked by the wali to take
           administrative action on these violations of the
           law. Legal proceedings may also be considered
           against the architects concerned.
             On another level, the wali announced that
           the issuance of occupancy permits will now be
           conditioned by the compliance of real estate pro-
           jects. This is considered by some architects as
           a step backwards from the provisions of Law
           66-12 which places architects at the heart of the   Many real estate projects undergo minor modifications from the original plan, but these changes must be authorized and be the subject of a
           procedure for the occupancy permit. The docu-  revised plan (Ph. L’Economiste)
           ment is delivered on the basis of the certificate
           of compliance signed by the architect who seems  region of Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceima has sent  one or two additional floors without authoriza-
           to have been left out of the new scheme. This  a similar letter to the president of the regional  tion, the transformation of a mezzanine floor
           pilot experiment is conducted in several cities,  council of the Architects' Association. A letter  into a full floor, the construction of a recessed
           including Rabat.                               that says a lot about the nature of irregularities  floor, the increased height of the building, and
             As a reminder, the failure to obtain an occu- in 26 projects under construction in the region.  other irregularities.
           pancy permit prevents the splitting of the land  The wali has also accompanied his letter by      The initiatives of the walis of Rabat and
           title and the registration of the property at the  a table summarizing the nature of violations,  Tangiers are considered by a professional as
           Land Registry. This has the consequence of pro- with the address of the buildings concerned, the  an «open war» between the Ministry of Inte-
           hibiting any transaction.                      number and date of the building permit, and the  rior and the Department of Urban Planning and
             The approach of the wali of Rabat does not  name of the architect responsible. Among the  Housing.o
           seem to be isolated. Indeed, his colleague in the  irregularities reported were the construction of                            Hassan EL ARIF

                                                                      Friday 18 February 2022
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