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                                                                                                      Weekly highlights

          Private radio stations

          Business model warning

          n The High Authority for Audiovisual

          Communication delivers its diagnosis

          n Structural problems in advertising reve-

          n An offering provided by 13 operators
          broadcasting 20 radio services
                     years already! Since 2006, when the
          15         very first licenses were granted, private

                     radio stations have become part and par-
                    cel of Moroccans' daily lives. Over the
          years, the airwaves have helped people speak more
          freely and forge strong links, via the Internet, not
          only in Morocco but also with a large and diverse
              According to the High Authority for Audiovi-  «Even in the world of digital communications, radio reaches more people than any other media platform», says United Nations Secretary-
          sual Communication (HACA), «by the end of 2021,   General Antonio Guterres (Ph. L’Economiste)
          the national private radio offering is provided by 13  people on the capacities of mobilization, social inclu- digital formats», say HACA’s managing directors.
          operators broadcasting 20 FM radio services, inclu- sion, and promotion of pluralism of opinion, inclu- From now on, new development levers are needed,
          ding 7 radio stations with national coverage, 4 radio  ding in remote areas of the country.     experts agree. "The economic emergency that the
          stations with multi-regional coverage, 2 networks   However, despite all these multiple and concrete  sector is experiencing at this time calls for a profes-
          of 8 regional stations, 1 multi-local radio station in  achievements, the development of the private ra- sional upgrade or the establishment - by the govern-
          addition to a bouquet of 11 radio stations broadcast  dio offering remains constrained by several factors.  ment - of a vision in the short, medium, and long
          via the Internet».                              Among these factors, difficulties related to the busi- term to support the digital transformation of compa-
              Between 2007 and 2021, HACA has assigned  ness model or the major constraints induced by the  nies and of the sector and the upgrade of the business
          491 frequencies for the broadcasting of private radio  economic crisis coupled with the pandemic (Co- model», recommends the regulatory body.
          services. According to the High Authority for Audio- vid-19) with the collapse of advertising revenues...   For the moment, the situation is very critical and
          visual Communication, «Private radio stations have  This has accelerated many weaknesses in the entire  complex for this sector.
          managed to build a link of great proximity and an  ecosystem of private radio stations. In other words,   But beware, the solution does not lie only in the
          inclusive relationship with citizens by allowing for  the model will have to be reinvented.     financing! According to the regulator, "the develop-
          the expression of all social, linguistic, territorial, heri-  Today, the business model of classical radios,  ment of the private radio sector in Morocco is not
          tage, and cultural diversities».                which is mainly based on advertising funding, has  dependent only on financial and economic levers to
             This is evidenced by the strong mobilization of  reached a dead end. It is subject to structural pro- be implemented or reformed... The solution also lies
          the radio waves during the national campaign against  blems. «The model is showing its limits in an adver- in the consolidation of trust and professional ethics
          the spread of Covid-19 or the monitoring and natio- tising market coveted by the GAFAM. The model  with the promotion of quality journalism to streng-
          nal coverage of the general elections of September  must therefore urgently adapt to the changing media  then the link with society and with citizens.o
          08, 2021... So many tangible examples that inform  consumption modes or to the strong competition of                              Amine RBOUB

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