Page 8 - Major climate issues Commitments and financing
P. 8


                       From one COP to another, the difficult

                    construction of global climate diplomacy

          of the private sector in the dynamics                                                                          -  2022:  Very   complicated
          of climate change.                      Climate change:                                                     context in Sharm el-Sheikh
                                                  Afric on the front line
             - 2017: The withdrawal of the
          US and the issue funding under-         Climate resilience index of African countries in 2022
          mined COP 23
                                The interna-
                              tional climate
                              conference,         High
                              which    took    Medium                                                                    It  is in Egypt, in the seaside
                              place   from                                                                            resort  Sharm   el-Sheikh,    that
                              November 06                       Southern Europe*                                      the COP27 will take place from
                              to November      Low                                                                    November 09 to 18. Against a
                              17,  2017   in                                                                          backdrop of war in Ukraine and
                                                                Africa *
          Bonn under the presidency of the                                                                            soaring energy and food prices,
          Fiji Islands, was the second confe-                                                                         energy security will be at the heart
          rence of the Parties since the Paris                                                                        of discussions, and above all of
          Agreement. COP23 started in rather                                                                          diplomatic tensions. This sum-
          special circumstances, after the an-                                                                        mit will also be held against a
          nouncement of the withdrawal of the   Based on an assessment of 180 countries: exposure and preparedness/adaptive capa-  backdrop of disasters and climatic
          US from the Paris Agreement, under    city. * Averages: 10 countries for Southern Europe, 53 for Africa.    madness: unprecedented droughts,
          the mandate of Donald Trump. The      Source: Henley & Partners, Statista calculations                      water shortages, forest fires in the
          discussions did not make much pro- of the objective set, that of giving a  bal warming below 2 degrees Cel- world, heat waves, floods, and
          gress, undermined by the question  strong political message in terms  sius. Once again, the Summit made     other issues. To prepare for the for-
          of funding.                         of ambitions. “I am disappointed  only timid progress.                  mal COP27 negotiations, the Envi-
                                              with the outcome of COP25”, UN         Rich countries failed to deli- ronment and Energy ministers of
             - 2019: Very mixed results in  Secretary General Antonio Guterres  ver the US$100 billion needed some 50 countries met in Kinshasa
          Madrid                              said in a statement. “The  interna-  for climate in 2020 to help vulne- from October 03 to 05, 2022. Seve-
                                 The annual  tional community lost an impor- rable developing countries transi- ral themes were discussed inclu-
                               climate sum- tant opportunity to show increased  tion to low-carbon economies and  ding the mitigation of emissions,
                               mit (COP25)  ambition on mitigation (reducing  adapt to climate change. However,  climate finance, and the issue of
                               e n d e d  o n greenhouse gas emissions), adapta- for the first time in the history of  Loss and Damage, i.e. the damage
                               D e c e m b e r tion, & finance to tackle the climate  the Conferences of the Parties, caused by extreme weather events.
                               15, 2019 in crisis”,  he said.                     the Glasgow decision contained Great expectations thus remain at-
          Madrid with a result below expec-                                       an agreement accepted by all the  tached to this very special COP27.
          tations, far from the climate emer-    - 2021: In Glasgow, Covid, and  States relating to the acceleration  Especially since time is running
          gency. This was mainly due to the  timid progress                       of the global energy transition by  out in the face of the climatic di-
          failure of the negotiations concer-    The goal of COP26, delayed for  means of the abandonment of coal  sasters that follow one another.o
          ning the framework of the carbon  one year because of the pandemic,  and the reduction of fossil fuel sub-
          market and the very relative success  was to set stricter rules to keep glo- sidies.                                         Myriam Ezzakhrajy

                                              What is a high-level champion for climate action?

             THE role of the UN High-Le-                                                                                 In February 2022, Dr. Mah-
          vel Champion for Climate Action                                                                             moud Mohieldin was appointed
          was established in 2015 at COP21                                                                           (Ph. AFP)  as the 7th UN High Level Cham-
          in Paris to help deliver govern-                                                                            pion for  Climate   Action   from
          ments' ambitions to reduce carbon                                                                           Egypt. He will join Nigel Top-
          emissions and build resilience to                                                                           ping, who continues his role as
          climate change. The champions                                                                               high-level champion for the UK
          specifically link the work of go-                                                                           following the UN climate change
          vernments to the many voluntary                                                                             conference, COP26 in Glasgow.
          and collaborative actions taken by                                                                          Dr. Mohieldin is an economist
          cities, regions, businesses, inves-                                                                         with over 30 years of experience
          tors, and civil society. COP26 wit-                                                                         in international finance and deve-
          nessed the greatest mobilization                                                                            lopment. He is Executive Direc-
          of real economy actors ever, inte-                                                                          tor at the International Monetary
          grating the agendas of non-state                                                                            Fund and is the United Nations
          and governmental actors by esta-                                                                            Special Envoy for the financing of
          blishing common short-term goals                                                                            the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
          and the means to achieve the goals                                                                          Development. o
          of such agendas.
                                                                     November-December 2022
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