Page 7 - Major climate issues Commitments and financing
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 , the difficult   construction of global climate diplomacy

             - 2009: The failure of Copen-                                                                               - 2015: The Paris Agreement,
          hagen                                                                                                       the historic turning point
                                    COP15                                                                                                  C O P 2 1
                                 in Copen-                                                                                              marked a    his-
                                 h a g e n ,                                                                                            toric milestone,
                                 Denmark,                                                                                               with the  adop-
                                 h a d  r e -                                                                                           tion of the Paris
                                 vived great                                                                                            A g r e e m e n t ,
                                 hopes, but                                                                                             ratified by 195
                                 its failure                                                                                            countries. This
                                 was   stri-                                                                                            international
                                 king. It did                                                                                           recognition of
                                 not result                                                                                             the concept of
          in any commitment from the va-                                                                                                climate change
          rious States. The only agreement                                                                            inaugurated for the first time a legal-
          found, without a timetable or quan-                                                                         ly binding international treaty whose
          tified objectives, was the wish to   Opening of the World Climate Conference, February 1979                 goal was to limit global warming to
          limit global warming to 2 degrees   (Source: World Meteorological Organization)                             a level below 2 degrees Celsius, pre-
          Celsius.                               -2011:  Durban prepares the                                          ferably 1.5 degrees, compared to the
                                              Paris Agreement                                                         pre-industrial level. The promise of
             - 2010: Cancun                                             A legal-                                      100 billion US dollars made to poor
                                   A f t e r                         ly binding                                       countries at the Copenhagen COP
                                twelve days                          treaty still                                     was also reaffirmed. This ambitious
                                of  stormy                           failed to be                                     agreement laid the foundations for
                                n e g o -                            imposed. commitment period, imposing a tar-      international climate policy for
                                t i a t i o n s ,                    However,  get of reducing global greenhouse      years to come.
                                C O P 1 6                            the Durban  gas emissions from      developed
                                m a n a g e d                        roadmap      countries by at least 18% from 2013    - 2016: The COP     for  Action
                                to salvage                           forebode to 2020 compared to 1990 levels.        was born in Marrakech
                                what remai-   the Paris Agreement. The Kyoto  The final compromise was driven                               The   chal-
                                ned of the Protocol was extended. A “green  by the European Union, which was
                                                                                                                                         lenge of COP22
                                legitimacy  fund” intended to help developing  the first to communicate in April
                                                                                                                                         was  to be part
          of the COPs, after years of pro- countries deal with global warming  2012 its goal of reducing its green-
                                                                                                                                         of  the  conti-
          crastination. Rather than imposing  was created. Similarly, a negotia- house gas emissions by 20% for the
                                                                                                                                         nuity  of  the
          contentious joint resolutions, each  tion procedure, baptized the Dur- second commitment period. Tossed
                                                                                                                                         Paris  agree-
          country was asked to notify what it  ban Platform, will have to draw up  about from all sides, the Protocol                    ment, with the
          was prepared to do.                 a legal commitment applying to all  ended up showing its limits. Four                      aim of obtai-
             The 2-degree Celsius target the signatory States.                    countries withdrew: Russia, Japan,   ning commitments from countries
          remained unchanged. The summit                                          New Zealand, and Canada. Once       on concrete actions, managing fun-
          notably marked the creation of a       - 2012: Doha and the limits of  again, to replace and succeed the    ding and ensuring a real conversion
          committee for adaptation to climate  the Kyoto Protocol                 Protocol, it was necessary to find a   of economic models. At the end of
          change, supposed to help the poo-      The Protocol was extended at the  binding legal instrument applicable   the Summit, 111 countries ratified
          rest countries.                     2012 Doha conference for a second  to all.                              the Paris Agreement underlining its
                                                                                                                      historic importance. Some of them
                                                                                                                      have also started to postpone their
                                                                                                                      long-term decarbonization strate-
                            Understanding the four main themes of COP27                                               gies.
                                                                                                                         In Marrakesh, the so-called
             - Adaptation: Adaptation to climate change in- renewable energies, or of enhancing «sinks» such as       "COP for action" accelerated the
          volves making adjustments to ecological, social, and  forests and soils which store these gases.            progress made under the Paris
          economic systems, as well as to processes and prac-                                                         Agreement in terms of finance, new
          tices to adapt to both the actual effects of climate    - Climate finance: climate finance allows           initiatives, ambition, and solidarity
          change and potential future damage. In addition,     countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for      between nations and continents.
          adaptation is also about making the most of all the  example by financing renewable energies such as           At the initiative of the King of
          potential beneficial opportunities associated with  wind or solar energy. With this funding, communities    Morocco, the first African Action
          climate change.                                      can also adapt to the effects of climate change.       Summit was held, which enabled
                                                                                                                      the continent to act on its firm desire
             - Mitigation: Mitigation of climate change refers    - Loss and Damage associated with climate           to take care of its destiny, to speak
          to all actions or efforts undertaken to reduce the le- change: extreme events and slow-onset events in      with one voice, and to join forces to
          vels of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere  developing countries that are particularly vulnerable   fight climate change and strengthen
          in order to prevent further warming of the planet. Mi- to the adverse effects of climate change.o           its resilience. Similarly, one of the
          tigation can consist of reducing the sources of these                                                       great advances of Marrakesh is the
          gases, for example by using new technologies and                                      Source: United Nations  participation of non-state actors and

                                                                     November-December 2022
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