Vérité Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 03/05/2024

Vous avez beau cacher la vérité, la maquiller, la retourner dans tous les sens, elle finit par ressurgir pour vous cracher à la figure et vous mettre devant vos responsabilités... + Lire la suite...

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Morocco-Tunisia: The suspension of the FTA is considered

Par Abdessamad NAIMI | Edition N°:6339 Le 02/09/2022 | Partager

The diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Tunisia risks taking a serious twist. “The inadmissible act of the Tunisian president, which breaks with years of positive neutrality in the country, makes you think twice about the nature of the partnership that we maintain. We are studying the possibility of suspending or revising the bilateral free trade agreement”, a diplomatic source told L’Economiste...

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