Cher ami
Cher ami Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 28/02/2025

Ou dois-je dire, très cher ami, car chaque année, vous recevoir dans nos demeures nous coûte plus cher. Pour tout vous dire, votre venue est l’affaire de plusieurs... + Lire la suite...

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Health: 6 billion MAD for the Ibn Sina University Hospital

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6260 Le 13/05/2022 | Partager

Health minister Khalid Ait Taleb felt elated seeing the King give the kickoff of the construction work of the new Ibn Sina University Hospital Center (CHU) in Rabat on Thursday, May 05. The construction of the hos­pital requires the mobilization of 6 billion Dirhams (about 600 million USD), financed by the line ministry. More than 3.8 billion MAD are allo­cated to the study and the realization of the project. More than 2 other bil­lion MAD will be used to acquire all the equipment necessary for the operation of a University Hospital.

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