Coup de sifflet
Coup de sifflet Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 25/09/2024

Beaucoup d’espoirs sont fondés sur les grands événements que le Maroc s’apprête à organiser, particulièrement la Coupe du monde 2030. De l’espoir d’... + Lire la suite...

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Casablanca/Future tram lines: The ordeal of residents and businesses

Par Aziza EL AFFAS | Edition N°:6237 Le 08/04/2022 | Partager

The works on the trajectory of lines 3 and 4 of the tramway are causing dissatisfaction. In addition to the disruption of traffic, the inconvenience caused to residents and merchants are pointed out. Seve­ral retail shops in the Garage Allal area are preparing to launch a petition and observe a sit-in in protest. In question is the section of line 3 which extends from Boulevard El Fida to the Mar­jane hypermarket (Bd Mohammed VI)...

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