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                Weekly highlights


          What the new roadmap will be like

          n based on transparency and                                                                                 based on a new roadmap. Visits from
          permanent communication                                                                                     senior officials are on the agenda. First,
                                                                                                                      that of the Spanish Foreign Minister,
                                                                                                                      expected in Rabat before the end of
          n Trade, migration manage-                                                                                  the month. Another, from the President

          ment, security cooperation…                                                                                 of the Spanish government will also
          the issues on the table                                                                                     have to be scheduled later. The idea
                                                                                                                      is to define the priority cooperation
                                                                                                                      areas. On the Spanish side, this new
                   ABAT and Madrid bury the
          R       of arm wrestling, the two                                                                           bility, and will bring us certainty both
                                                                                                                      phase «guarantees the necessary sta-
                   hatchet. After several months
                                                                                                                      politically and in terms of its positive
                  countries finally agreed on
          the new rules of the game. One of these                                                                     effects on trade between Spain and
                                                                                                                      Morocco». For Madrid, «the density
          chief new rules is «the importance of                                                                       of economic exchanges must be equi-
          the Sahara issue for Morocco», enshri-                                                                      valent to that of political exchanges,
          ned in the message of the head of the                                                                       while being part of a relationship of
          Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez,                                                                          candor and transparency, mutual
          to HM King Mohammed VI, last Fri-                                                                           respect of interests, and cooperation
          day. The other parameters of bilateral   After the announcement of the new Spanish position on the Sahara issue, the Ministry of Foreign   beneficial to both countries». Rabat is
          relations have also been clearly defi-  Affairs of Morocco reacted favorably to these new «positive positions and constructive commitments  Spain´s  third largest economic partner
          ned. From now on, relations between  of Spain» (Ph. L’Economiste)                                           outside the European Union. Spanish
          Morocco and Spain will be based on   and constructive commitments by Spain   side, the recognition of the Moroccan  exports to Morocco increased by 29%
          «transparency and permanent com-    on the Sahara issue». Today, this evolu-  autonomy initiative as the most serious,  in 2020/2021. More than 17,000 Iberian
          munication, mutual respect, and on   tion of the Spanish position on this stra-  realistic, and credible basis, allows the  companies have commercial relations
          the agreements signed by both parties   tegic issue seems more in line with the   Iberian neighbor to relaunch a «stable  with Morocco and 700 are established
          and  marked by the abstention from   principles set by the King in the speech   and good relationship», according to  on Moroccan territory, underlined the
          any unilateral action, in keeping with   of August 20th. The Sovereign had cal-  the Spanish presidency. For Madrid,  Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
          the importance of everything that we   led for «establishing an unprecedented   «the world needs cooperation between  This economic and trade cooperation is
          share», according to the presidency of   stage in relations between the two   countries and working together on  all the more important as global supply
          the Spanish government. Rabat picked   countries, based on transparency, mu-  common problems».             chains are currently disrupted due to the
          up these positive signals and reacted fa-  tual consideration and respect for the   In any case, the revival of relations  repercussions of the war in Ukraine.o
          vorably to these new «positive positions   commitments made». On the Spanish   between Morocco and Spain will be           Mohamed ALI MRABI
          Payment time limits: Big companies rule the roost

          n They pay their suppliers later    to SMEs and VSEs payments wit- increase in their customer terms of  Inforisk. Large companies therefore
                                              hin normal deadlines. In 2020, a year  payment by paying their suppliers la- continue to underperform in terms of
          n Terms of payment have dete-       marked by the Covid-19 crisis and its  ter. In 2020, the net balance between  payment terms. To put an end to bad
                                              impact on the economy, these com- customer and supplier terms of pay- practices, the draft law provides for a
          riorated: 279 days for VSEs and     panies had to face an extension of the  ment improved by one day,» underlines  strong measure: the publication of the
          129 days for SMEs                   terms of payment. These deteriorated  Inforisk. Still, SMEs with less than 50  list of bad payers, which has been pro-
                                              from 66 days to 279 days on average  million MAD in turnover are less well  ven elsewhere.
                                              for VSEs in 2020 according to the In- off: they find themselves with a pay- The year 2020 was also characterized
          n Intercompany credit falls         forisk survey. This is an alarming level  ment period of up to 14 days!  by the drop in intercompany credit

          below bank credit                   which can only deteriorate the business  The great paradox comes from large  standing below bank credit. Intercom-
                                              climate, because, instead of focusing  companies: in the midst of the Co- pany credit  stood at 372 billion MAD
                                              on the development of their activity  vid-19 crisis, they have improved their  versus 413 and 415 billion MAD res-
          T      payment is still awaiting treat-  and on the search for new markets,  payment terms from 2 days to 95 days.  pectively in 2019 and 2018. This deve-
                 HE blight of the terms of
                                              entrepreneurs spend their time run- In a position of strength, these large  lopment is due to the support measures
                 ment. The draft law sent to the
                 Competition Council for an   ning after the collection of their dues.  entities make sure to get paid on time  put in place by the government for the
                                              Without great bargaining power, VSEs  but are reluctant to do the same, espe- benefit of the business world. These
          opinion before entering the legisla-  are unable to pass on these delays to  cially with VSEs and SMEs. «Large  support measures are in particular the
          tive circuit should, once adopted and   their suppliers. They find themselves  companies pay their suppliers later  Damane Oxygène and Damane Re-
          published, reverse the trend. Long   in fact in a situation of lenders with an  than they get paid by their customers,  lance products. This year, an amount
          payment terms are the cause of the   average gap of 133 days between their  all with a positive impact on their cash  of 53 billion MAD was distributed to
          agony of an entire section of small   customer and supplier deadlines.  flow. This is explained by a favorable  companies, including 10.6 billion to
          and medium-sized entities. The law   In the case of SMEs, the delays stood  balance of power and a bargaining  VSEs and 32 billion to SMEs.o
          should trigger the change process   at 129 days, i.e. an increase of 12 days.  power that allows them to impose their      Khadija MASMOUDI
          which should guarantee, in particular,   «SMEs have managed to pass on the  conditions on trading partners,» notes
                                                                       Friday 25 March 2022
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