Page 1 - Weekly highlights by L' Economiste
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                               Weekly highlights by

                                                                                                                                                version 2015

                                                                                                                                            Système de Management de la Qualité
                                                                                                                                             certifié ISO 9001 version 2008 par
                                                                                                                                             BUREAU VERITAS MAROC

            Water stress: Red alert

                                             Government                                            Tahaddart and
                                             subsidies to basic                                    Beni Mathar gas
                                             commodities:                                          power plants
           Coding schools                    Beware of abuses!                                     reactivated                 The price of materials
           in all universities                                                                                                 disrupts the market

          Editorial                                                     Impact                                                           Khalid BELYAZID

          H    OW come the most important day in our economy is not the subject of  high, and not only this year, but for decades. In Morocco and for times imme-
               any impact assessment by the High Commission for Planning (HCP), how  morial, Eid al-Adha is the only subject for weeks, which is only obscured on D-
               come no thesis, no recommendation is made in connection with the New  Day by the quantity of fat which is still insufficient for the “Boulfaf” (traditional
          Development Model (NMD)? Only raw figures, but nothing on the social and  Moroccan offal dish consisting of grilled lamb). The price of a sheep is at least
          ecological consequences of this special day on the rest of the year. The  Ministry  equivalent to a monthly guaranteed agricultural minimum wage for a 50-kilo
          of Agriculture estimates at 7 billion MAD the transfers to the countryside resul- sheep and to an average wage for a well-horned animal. The loan granted for
          ting from commercial transactions of slaughter animals, transfers which the  the purchase of Eid Al Adha sheep relates to one-day festivities, and this loan is
          inhabitants of the countryside really need; income from livestock compensates  repayable throughout the year. The paradox is that the poorer you are the more
          for crop income reduced by the drought. But who benefits from those transfers?  you care about this day of the year. It is sometimes a sad ostentation, even if
          The small breeders, or the big ones getting fatter in the stables? And at what cost  most Moroccans strive to save this day as a holiday established by the Sunnah,
          for the Government who supports the price of fodder? Because a sheep eats, and  the religious tradition. The most curious thing is that despite the catastrophic
          not three meals a day, but all day only to ruminate at night. And a sheep drinks,  speeches one can hear, demand for sheep does not weaken, which would lead
          too. What is the impact on the water stress of the countryside of 5.6 million  one to think that our families had for this single day some hidden income, or
          sheep, reared for a whole year just to be slaughtered on this single day of the  rather cash stashed somewhere,  because this is how the billions of dirhams
          year? Beyond these costs, whether accounted for or not, the price is considered  resulting from the sheep business do circulate. o
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