Plus jamais ça!
Plus jamais ça! Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 09/12/2024

Demain mardi, le monde célèbre la journée internationale des droits de l’homme. Quelques jours auparavant, le Parlement marocain a abrité un symposium... + Lire la suite...

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Is self-entrepreneurship still attractive?

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6735 Le 29/03/2024 | Partager

How would you assess the auto-entrepreneur scheme less than ten years after its launch? Exclusive figures obtained from the postal bank (Barid Al Maghrib) indicate that since its introduction just under ten years ago, 615,660 people have signed up to the self-employment scheme, of whom 389,565 are active. Just under 5,000 applications are currently under review.

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