 Rappel à l’ordre
Rappel à l’ordre Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 24/01/2025

Les partis de la coalition gouvernementale sont entrés dans une zone de fortes turbulences. La sérénité et l’homogénéité dont se prévalait le chef du... + Lire la suite...

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Advice from Bank Al-Maghrib Barely 2.1% growth this year

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6730 Le 22/03/2024 | Partager

Unsurprisingly, the cen­tral bank has opted for the status quo. The key interest rate remains unchanged at 3%. The de­cision made by the Board of the Cen­tral Bank (Bank Al-Maghrib), which met on Tuesday March 19, is based on a number of factors. In its analysis of economic trends and medium-term macroeconomic projections, the Bank speaks of the overall resilience of the global economy in 2023.

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