Jouteya Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 13/12/2024

C’est l’un des marchés les plus célèbres de Casablanca, avec une réputation au niveau national et international. Derb Ghallef, la jouteya pour les intimes, abrite depuis... + Lire la suite...

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Olive oil: Professionals call for a halt to exports

Par Khadija SKALLI | Edition N°:6608 Le 29/09/2023 | Partager

Olive oil prices are soaring. Prices vary between 85 and 100 MAD (USD 8 to 10) per liter. The risk of a further increase in the next few days is very real. On the eve of the olive harvest, scheduled for October, producers are warning of the effects of the drought that has prevailed over the last two years.

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