«Démocratie paparazzi»
«Démocratie paparazzi» Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 16/04/2024

Corruption, détournement de deniers publics, trafic de drogues… les affaires se succèdent, entachant l’image des parlementaires et consommant... + Lire la suite...

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Who are these young Moroccans residing in Europe

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6354 Le 23/09/2022 | Partager

“Morocco, by the grace of the Almighty, has an expat community of about five million people, in addition to hundreds of thousands of Moroccan Jews around the world”. The last royal speech on the occasion of the celebration of the Anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People was a call for the involvement of Moroccans around the world in the development process in Morocco, especially since “the firm human bonds as well as the pride taken in belonging to Morocco are not limited to first-generation immigrants. They are passed on, from one generation to the next, up to the third and fourth generations”, underlined the Sovereign...

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