Echec Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 19/04/2024

Devenir médecin, c’est d’abord se vouer à l’humain, se dédier à une cause noble. Devenir médecin, c’est avant tout un don de soi, et c’est aussi rendre service à son pays.

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Urban planning: The new inspectors will soon jump in

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6319 Le 05/08/2022 | Partager

Will the fight against urban planning and construction offenses finally be effective and intractable? In any case, the head governors (“walis”), governors, directors of urban agencies, presidents of regional councils, and regional urban planning inspectors have just been informed, via a circular from the Ministries of the Interior and Housing dated July 27, of the new rules for monitoring town planning violations...

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