Jouteya Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 13/12/2024

C’est l’un des marchés les plus célèbres de Casablanca, avec une réputation au niveau national et international. Derb Ghallef, la jouteya pour les intimes, abrite depuis... + Lire la suite...

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Justice/Penal Code: Important innovations in the pipe

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6247 Le 22/04/2022 | Partager

CONCERNING many subjects in the legal field, the minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi opens up new prospects. This is the case of the penal code project which will bring several innovations. One of them includes points related to activities on the Internet, particu­larly with regard to libels and insults, as well as the publication of photos on the various media platforms. The fact is that some people do what they want, post images, and insult people.

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